Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Starting Over....

What does "starting over" mean exactly? What do I want? Do I really want to do it?  Can I even do it?  Do I stay or do I go?  How long do I stay before I decide to go?  Who are my true friends?  Can I really trust anyone?

All these questions keep running through my head every day!  This is not a post about the details regarding the break -up between me and Sabby, I will not talk about it anymore to anyone!  I have now been here a total of 2 months, 1 week, and 5 days and what have I accomplished since I got here?  I have moved in, moved out, moved in somewhere else, lost a "best friend" who stabbed me in the back, and am tryin' my hardest to just keep it together day by day and not fall apart.  Will my life EVER get back on track?

I now have some decisions to make....and I feel like my head is buzzing with things and I can't focus on just one!  Why did God bring me back here, if this is what life would be about?  What is my reason for being here?  How am I supposed to know what to do and what direction to go?  Will He guide me or am I as alone as I feel?   Do I really want to go back to MN?  Would it even be fair to myself to not give SC a chance?

Ugh!  I can't answer a single one of these questions and I really can't stand not having the answers.  As I try and figure things out slowly, I will try and put my faith and trust in God and give my problems to Him.  As He is truly the only one that knows what is best for me and for Dakota and if these are the cards that I have been dealt, then all I can do is use what I got!

But oh my is that hard to do!


  1. Stick it out hon... God brought you to SC for a reason!(As much as I'd love to see you back in MN). Praying for peace in your heart - good things are coming :)

  2. If your man's love is true and strong, seek shelter in it and fear not, he will be your knight in shining armor. Together you can weather any storm and fight any current. Grow, rebuild, and form a fortress of love, but do it together. Forgive each other and guide each other. You have come so far....don't stop now! Take it from an old woman.
